Philippe Genequand
- Professeur titulaire
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département d'histoire
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx office C-6116
- Professeur titulaire
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Centre d'études médiévales
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Philippe Genequand (PhD, University of Geneva) is Associate Professor in the Department of History at the Université de Montréal and a member of the Centre for Medieval Studies (CMS). He teaches at all three levels of study and supervises various research projects at the higher levels, both on the latter centuries of the Middle Ages and on various topics pertaining to older periods: feasts and celebrations in the Scandinavian area, the Christian vision of paganism, Judeo-Christian relations, forest use, crusades, etc.
He is currently the Department of History’s substitute delegate to the Syndicat Général des Professeurs de l'Université de Montréal (SGPUM) and a member of the Council of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (CONFAS), the Council of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (CONFESP), and of several UdeM committees.
Areas of Expertise
- Education
- Medieval church
- Historiography
- Pardon (law)
- Identity
- Justice
- State
- Middle Ages
- Institutions
- Modernity
- Animals
- 14th century
- Modern Times
My work initially dealt with the Pontifical Court in the late 14th century. I emphasized the government structures and the career and promotion streams that were common there by studying not ordinances, but the individual paths (prosopography) by making use essentially of practice documents (accounts, letters, releases, petitions, etc.). At present, I am particularly involved in the evolution of government systems towards modernity through the administration of the power of grace. It seems to me that the most significant example of the political use of pardon must be researched at the Pontifical Tribunal responsible for administering it – the Apostolic Penitentiary – the archives of which were recently made available to researchers by Pope John Paul II.
Other recent research is leading me to consider how the Middle Ages are received in our contemporary societies, through film, video games, simulation games. What Middle Ages are we exploring then? What are the links between history and the imaginary worlds of the entertainment industry? It is therefore appropriate to consider the true legacy of this period for the modernity that we are experiencing and its structural contributions (representation, public gatherings, modes of government), intellectual contributions (universities, structuring of the sciences, (in)differentiation of disciplines) and social contributions (gender relations, orders and equality, relationship with wealth).
I am also currently working, either alone or collaboratively, on three main book projects:
- Middle Ages and Mathematics: the case of Alcuin’s Propositiones ad acuendos juvenes (9th cent.).
- Demilitarization of the medieval clergy after the Gregorian reform (11th to 15th cent.) and the distinguishing strategies established by the Church for protecting its own (beatings and injuries to the clergy). Here we are dealing with the matter of punishment (penance) and forgiveness, which are central to the internalization of Christian norms, which were deeply structuring in the Middle Ages.
- Anthropology of animals in the Middle Ages and in the modern era through trials conducted with animals guilty of crimes (13th to 17th cent.) as part of a major research project investigating the connections, both real and symbolic, between humans and animals, from the Middle Ages to the anti-speciesist movement.
Responsabilities and outreach Expand all Collapse all
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M.A.
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Soutien Damocles au Colloque international animalier dans le cadre du projet HumanitéS-AnimalitéS : discours, pratiques et actions sur le monde animal, du Moyen Âge à l'antispécisme Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2023
HumanitéS-AnimalitéS : discours, pratiques et actions sur le monde animal, du Moyen Âge à l'antispécisme Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2023
Publications Expand all Collapse all
Publications principales
Énigmes mathématiques à la cour de Charlemagne, Les propositiones ad acuendos juvenes, avec J. Gavin, EPFL Press, Lausanne (Suisse), 2021, 224p.
Officiers et gouvernement de l’Église, Sous Clément VII d’Avignon (1378-1394), Paris, Garnier, 2021, 605p.
Sous la direction de M. Hébert, Journal de Jean Le Fèvre, Chancelier des ducs d'Anjou et comtes de Provence (1381-1388), Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020, 550p.
La société au miroir du discours hagiographique, avec V. Olivier, Cahiers d’histoire, XXXIV, Montréal, 2016 [2018], 208p.
Sous la direction d’A. Jamme, Le Souverain, l’Office et le Codex, Gouvernement de la cour et techniques documentaires à travers les Libri officiariorum des papes d’Avignon (XIVe-XVe siècle), Rome, École française de Rome, 2014, 492p.
Une politique pontificale en temps de crise : Clément VII et les premières années du grand Schisme d’Occident (1378-1394). A partir des documents comptables et des lettres (Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana, 33), Bâle, Schwabe, 2013, 480p.
Publications récentes
« Sommes-nous des porcs ou des chevaux ? Familiarité et distinction entre humains et animaux dans les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge. Quelques notes de travail », dans C. Beck, F. Guizard (éd.), Les animaux, l’histoire continue, sous presse.
« Historic or Immersive ? A Recent Realistic Turn in Fantasy Cities Representations », accepté par la revue Études médiévales anglaises (anciennement : Bulletin des Anglicistes médiévistes), à paraître.
« Pouvoirs de pénitencerie et action diplomatique : quelques réflexions autour des dévolutions gracieuses aux légats du pape (fin du xive siècle) », dans : Memini, Travaux et documents, 27, 2021 [en ligne].
« Entre Genève et Rome. Stratégies lignagères et réseaux d’influence autour de la fondation de la collégiale de Viry en 1488 », avec M. Fol, dans : Bulletin de la Société d’histoire et d’archéologie de Genève, 45, 2019, p. 71-80.
« Sous le regard de Guibert de Nogent, Le dialogue du savoir et de la probité morale au XIIe siècle », dans : Fleurs de Clergie, Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Yves Tilliette, Genève, Droz, 2019, p. 297-317.
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