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/ Department of History

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Experts in: Italy

Dalton, Susan


Professeure agrégée

Following on my work on the history of women in the 18th century, I have been studying theoretical gender issues and in particular the relationship between the public and private spheres at the time. Looking at the sociability of salonnières in France and Venice, I realized that this public/private distinction was difficult to maintain in reality.

My current research looks at Venetian salonnières (like Giustina Renier Michiel and Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi) and the men who attended their salons (like Ugo Foscolo, Ippolito Pindemonte and Melchiorre Cesarotti), in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

In particular, I have found that these salonnières drew on the roles they played in literary salons to offer themselves as cultural intermediaries in their publications, by simplifying the erudite writings of men of letters in their circle and making them accessible to a wider readership. I am also a member of the Interacting with Print research group.


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Professeur émérite

My research themes are as follows:

  1. Intra-continental migrations (North America) and the immigration of Italians to Quebec
  2. The history of cultural policies from a comparative perspective (United States/Canada/Europe)
  3. The history of key concepts and their uses in the social sciences and government policies (assimilation; integration; incorporation; multiculturalism; inter-culturalism; transculturalism; diversity)
  4. Cinematic narrations of the past (documentaries and feature films)

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